Tom was trying to write in the checkbook.....Romeo thought he needed some help so he sat right in the middle of it all and took a nap! Tom wasn't amused but he got over it.
The "boys" came over last night....they really wanted to make gingerbread houses - all 3 were a labor of love....Kaleb's remained standing until right before the picture and then he said it turned into a ski slope! As always the good old Ninetendo is a big hit. And for the older one: bejeweled blitz on facebook (thanks Kyle for making me the top scorer last night)!!
Then there's the hutch that went retro for Christmas. The angels and Santas and trees and all are candles that were Tom's from his mother who bought them a long time ago at WT Grant's in Bath. (Who knew he would end up marrying a Bath girl??)
So much for spare time....Tom's picking out lobsters for the seafood newburg I'm making the neighbors tomorrow and the brownies are about to come out of the oven so I can make dessert for Christmas Day - I'll post more pictures of it all tomorrow.
Merry Christmas to you all!!
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